Information for Teachers
The Careers Curriculum at Rise Carr College is driven by our aims to provide pupils with the opportunities, support and information they need in order to make informed decisions and achieve long term financial well-being.
We are working towards achieving the eight Gatsby benchmarks, identified as the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools:

In line with Gatsby Benchmark 1, our curriculum includes:
- A set scheme of work that is rolled out across all year groups. Key Stage 3 will work on exploring careers and job roles and where they can be found in the area that they live. They will also learn about the skills and attitudes that employers are looking for and how to develop their skills in daily life. Visits to local employers are available and local employers are also invited into school to share their career path and talk about their company, giving students a little more insight into the world of work.
- Key stage 4 curriculum includes all of the above developing on from Key Stage 3 but also will include work on more specific career choices, on line careers advice, individual careers meetings, visits to careers fairs, visits to post-16 education and training providers.
- Each subject long term plan includes links to FE and/or careers in that subject. Again, this is in line with Gatsby benchmarks.
- All long term plans recognise the importance of CEIAG.
- Targeted support for students at risk of becoming NEET will include:
- Close working with the Local Authority to identify those students who are in need of targeted support, and/or at risk of becoming NEET.
- Close working with the Local Authority to establish ways of referring identified students for intensive support from a range of local providers
- Ensuring that students are aware of financial support available to them e.g. 16-19 Bursary Fund, care leavers support and free school meals, and who to contact to access the support.
- Support for student with SEND in developing skills, experience, attitudes and qualifications needed to pursue their chosen career.
- Additional targeted 1-1 advice and guidance support for those most at risk of disengagement from education and training.