We fundamentally believe in the DEVELOPMENT of the WHOLE PERSON and their individual needs to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE


Welcome to Rise Carr College and thankyou for taking time to read our website.

Inclusion is at the heart of everything that we do and we have an excellent reputation for working positively and purposefully with young people and their families to support them throughout their educational path. We fundamentally believe in the development of the whole child. Our aim is for all of our students to lead successful, independent lives, both in the workplace and in their relationships with others, and to ensure that each child has the opportunity to be the best that they can be.

Our staff are fully committed to making a difference to every young person that attends Rise Carr. The college provides specialist support for all of our students within a safe and secure environment. We encourage, nurture and celebrate individual success and there is a clear sense of purpose to develop the students’ academic potential. We achieve this through teaching, modelling and sharing how to be healthy, safe and show resilience, be resourceful and empathic.

All of our students are assessed on entry using a range of assessment methods, and a highly personalised education package is provided for them. Progress is carefully monitored and supported by a dedicated staff who work hard to make sure that every student is given every opportunity to be successful.

We aim to

  • Promote opportunities for all through a challenging and appropriate curriculum.
  • Respect and value each other and work cooperatively.
  • Prepare and support students for successful reintegration into mainstream school, post 16 education, training and employment or other appropriate pathways.
  • Identify and change aspects of behaviour to enable students to accept greater personal responsibility for their own actions.
  • Work with other agencies to fully support students in our care.

Sally Hudson

Head Teacher

Latest News

Free Support for Parents/Carers of Autistic Individuals

Free of charge parent and carer information sessions on autism and mental health. These sessions will take place on a…

Science Experiment

KS3 students at RCC have been making their own bath bombs in their science experiment.

Alkaline Metal Reactions

Year 8 and 9 students from Eldon House have been studying Alkaline Metals and their reactions from the periodic table.



Take a look at our upcoming events from across all of our schools.

View All


End of Autumn Term 1


Start of Autumn Term 2


Teacher Training Day - School Closed


End of Term Autumn Term 2

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